Friday, July 29, 2011

Nation in distress

My wife and I are flying the U.S. flag in our yard upside down.  As you may know, flying the flag upside down is a distress signal. We feel our country is in deep trouble, and the deadlock in Washington has brought everything to a crisis stage. The interest rate we pay on our $14 Trillion debt is based on our government's high credit rating. If that credit rating drops (due to failure to pay its bills, defaulting on some of its debt, and/or failing to deal with the huge deficit) the interest on the debt will shoot up and cause the deficit to increase even more. But we've got gridlock in Washington that puts our credit rating in jeopardy.

The nation's motto is E Pluribus Unum (Out of Many, One) But we don't see many prominent people working for unity now.

Megan and I love our country, and we're worried about her. Thus the 'distress' signal in yard.  We hope others will join us in this symbolic gesture showing frustration with our elected representatives (in both the Legislative and Executive branches of goverment) inability to work together to resolve this looming fiscal crisis.

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